Cheapest flights to Europe - The ultimate cheap tourist

The ease of finding the cheapest flights to Europe has turned everything on its head as you plan your trip there.

There is a well-developed travel network across the continent, and travel in Europe is both easy and cheap. When you travel, no one who spends their own money buys a one-way ticket.

When buying a long-distance train or bus ticket, it is always wise to check the cost of the flight first. You may be surprised by the difference between the price of a one-way ticket and a two-way ticket.

If you want to fly to Europe, you must take a domestic flight from one of the five largest airports in Europe.

The best way to find the cheapest tickets to and from Europe is to book a flight to one or more of Europe's busiest airports, such as Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, London or Paris - Nice. If you plan to fly to France, Germany, Italy, Spain, France or Germany at the busiest times, you should book your flight in advance to get the cheaper fares.